Welcome to Cór Mhaigh Eo (Mayo County Choir), Ireland!

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Cór Mhaigh Eo is a mixed-voice choir based in County Mayo Ireland.
Our repertoire is a mixture of sacred and secular church and folk music 
from the 15th century to the present

A photo of Cór Mhaigh Eo choir perfoming in Holy Trinity Chuch, Westport, with conductor, Kathy Quinn, front right

Fancy yourself as a singer and looking to join a choir?
Cór Mhaigh Eo is looking to recruit new members.



Rehearsals & Recruitment
Rehearsals take place from 8.00 to 10.00pm every Thursday evening in
Scoil Phádraig, Newport Road, Westport.
Extra rehearsals and line practices are organised when needed.

Anyone interested in joining our choir is welcome to contact us by phoning 0876877489. 




©  2019 CÓR MHAIGH EO. All rights reserved